How To Make Popcorn In The Microwave

How To Make Popcorn In The Microwave

Popcorn is a quick and easy snack that’s also delicious. Maybe it’s just me, but eating popcorn makes me feel so nostalgic.

What could be better than freshly popped popcorn that’s coated in delicious melted butter? I’ll wait…

Popcorn has become a staple food for movie theaters and home entertainment centers. In fact, it was even included in the US Declaration of Independence.

Today, popcorn is found at every corner store, gas station, and restaurant.

You can save time by using the microwave instead of the stove top to cook your kernels. Microwave cooking is much faster than conventional methods, and best of all, it’s a whole lot easier.

All you need is a microwave-safe bowl and some kernels. Follow these simple steps below to learn how to make delicious popcorn easily in the microwave.

Cooking Popcorn In The Microwave: A Step-By-Step Guide

1. Put a few tablespoons of oil into your microwave-safe bowl. This will help prevent the popcorn from sticking together when popped.

2. Add about 2 cups of kernels to the bowl. You may have to experiment with different amounts until you find the right amount.

3. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap. Make sure there are no holes in the plastic wrap so the steam doesn’t escape.

4. Microwave on high for 1 minute.

5. Remove the plastic wrap and stir the popcorn. Continue microwaving for another 30 seconds if needed.

6. Repeat this process three more times.

7. Let the popcorn cool completely before serving. Enjoy!

And there you have it, folks! Freshly made popcorn couldn’t possibly be any quicker or easier than that.

All you have to do after that is season your popcorn with your favorite toppings and serve, preferably in front of the TV…

Paper Bag Popcorn

How To Make Popcorn In The Microwave

Let’s say you don’t have a microwave, or somehow your microwave isn’t working… Now that’s really thrown a wrench in the works.

But wait! Fear not, there’s an even better way to make popcorn without much hassle or mess.

All you need is a large pot and a paper bag. Follow the steps below to learn how.

1. Start by placing a large pot over medium heat.

2. Pour enough vegetable oil into the pot to fill the bottom half of the pan.

3. Place a metal spatula under the lid of the pot to keep the lid off while you pour the oil into the pot.

4. Once the oil has filled the bottom half of the pot, turn down the heat to low.

5. While the oil heats up, cut open a paper bag and place it inside the pot.

6. When the oil reaches 375 Fahrenheit (190.56 °C), remove the lid and carefully add one cup of kernels to the top of the paper bag.

7. Replace the lid and let the kernels cook for 3 minutes.

8. After 3 minutes, check the temperature of the oil again. If the oil is too hot, wait 5 minutes. If not, continue adding kernels to the top of your paper bag.

9. Keep checking the oil temperature every minute until all the kernels have popped.

10. Remove the lid and stir the popcorn to mix the kernels.

11. Serve immediately.

12. Enjoy!

And there it is. Your popcorn is ready, and it’s already bagged up for you! Although, you may want to transfer it to a large bowl to add your seasoning or butter.


Popcorn is a true classic when it comes to snacks, and for good reason. It’s affordable, quick, easy, and so tasty. Why else would it be served in movie theaters across the globe?

Thankfully, you don’t have to pay as much as you would at the cinema to have popcorn. All you need to do is buy the raw kernels, which are incredibly cheap.

Using one of the methods we’ve gone through above, you can make your own fresh popcorn and top it with anything you like!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does Popcorn Last?

When stored properly, popcorn should last for several weeks. However, if you buy it in bulk, you might only be able to use it within two days. To extend its shelf life, try storing it in an airtight container.

How Many Calories Are In Popcorn?

The average person eats around 100 grams of popcorn per day. That’s roughly 4.5 ounces.

A single serving size is usually between ¼ cup and ½ cup.

The nutritional value of popcorn depends on the type of corn used. Corn contains carbohydrates, fiber, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

Popcorn is considered a healthy snack because it provides energy and is low in saturated fats. Popcorn also helps lower cholesterol levels.

How Do I Know What Kind Of Butter To Use?

There are two types of butter: salted and unsalted. Unsalted butter contains no salt. Salted butter contains salt.

The salt content can vary depending on where the butter was produced. For example, American butter tends to contain less salt than European butter.

Unsalted butter is best when cooking at higher temperatures. This allows the butter to melt faster and makes it easier to work with.

Salted butter is better for baking or frying foods that require a lot of moisture.

You may need to increase the amount of butter you use when using salted butter.

What Is The Difference Between Plain Popcorn And Seasoned Popcorn?

Both plain and seasoned popcorn are made from the same basic ingredients. Plain popcorn simply has nothing added to it.

Seasoned popcorn is often flavored with garlic powder, onion powder, salt, sugar, and/or cayenne pepper.

If you’re looking for something different, try sprinkling some Parmesan cheese on top of your popcorn.

How Do I Season My Popcorn?

Seasoning popcorn is easy. Simply sprinkle some seasoning over the surface of the popcorn before popping.

Try using a combination of spices such as garlic powder, onion powder and salt.

You can also experiment with different flavors by mixing together various spices.

How Do I Store Popcorn?

Store popcorn in an airtight glass jar or plastic bag. Keep it in a cool, dry location.

When storing popcorn, avoid placing it near any heat sources. Heat can cause the oil inside the kernel to separate from the starch.

Once separated, the oil becomes rancid and the popcorn spoils quickly.

How Long Does Popcorn Last?

Popcorn lasts about three days if stored properly. To extend its shelf life, freeze it in individual portions.

What Else Should I Know About Popcorn?

Popcorn is a great way to get your daily dose of fiber. A cup of popcorn provides 5 grams of fiber.

Fiber helps lower cholesterol levels and keeps blood sugar balanced.

Although popcorn is low in fat, it’s still high in calories. One serving (about 2 cups) of popcorn contains 160 calories.

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